A fresh new year! I must say, 2020 was filled with many ups and downs. Many of the downs were out of our control; sometimes, there’s just nothing you can do to fix a situation. Instead, however, we can take the lessons we learnt, and use them to make 2021 as great as it can be.
No help or communication is ever too far
If 2020 taught us anything, it’s that no matter how far someone is from you, they’re only a Zoom call away. Sometimes in life, we might hold back on reaching out for help because it’s not possible to receive it in person, but with our amazing technology today, we can talk over video chat. I know it’s not quite the same, but every little helps. If you’re feeling particularly lonely, down, or anxious, or missing someone you can’t see, use video chat! That’s not just with friends and family – that’s also with counselling and therapy services too.
Remind those closest to us how much we love them
Sadly, many of us have lost a loved one over the past year. Whether it’s to do with Coronavirus or not, loss can come at the most unexpected times. A lesson to take from last year is to always remind our closest ones just how much we love them. Life is full of unexpected surprises, and lots of ups and downs, so never miss a chance to appreciate them!
Cherish the luxuries in life
Remember when McDonald’s announced that it was reopening and that guy camped outside four days early? Or when the toilet roll was flying off our shelves? It wasn’t until restaurants and spas opened that people suddenly realised how much of a luxury they are. This year is a year to cherish luxuries no matter how big or small they are. That doesn’t mean going out for dinner every night and taking full advantage of it, but treat yourself every so often and enjoy each moment of it. We’re fortunate to be able to enjoy a few luxuries in life.
Treat every day with value
We all have days where' we wake up and wish for the day to be already over. Sometimes it’s hard to stop these negative feelings but once that day is over, you’ll never get it back. Because life is so unpredictable, never wish for a day to be over. My perfect way of enjoying each day is to make sure I have little perks such as a morning coffee on my busy days, or a delicious breakfast to look forward to.
Respect everyone – no matter where' they’re from
In 2021, you’d expect society to not discriminate against any minority group. Yet last year we witness the Black Lives Matter movement because of constant discrimination that remains even in today’s day and age. Always respect everyone no matter where' they’re from. Continue to support great movements that combat racism and discrimination, and show love and respect to all!